Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dat update doe

Hello all!

It's been a little while since I've posted anything, mainly because I'm busy and that last post kind of ruined my desire to rank things. I am back though, and now that my weeks are slightly less busy (LIES) I'll set aside some time to write a blog post!

A little background before you read this post: I still play Pokemon. Like, a lot. And I play competitively in online tournaments and the like. It's not necessarily my "guilty pleasure" but it's something most people don't really know about me. Since Pokemon X and Y have come out I got a resurgence of desire to play, so of course I bought the 3DS and Pokemon X and there goes approximately 250 hours of my life. On top of that, I play on this website (pokemonshowdown.com, FUCKING GO THERE IF YOU PLAY POKEMON), and that takes more precious hours out of my day. Needless to say, I play a lot of Pokemon.

Anyways, on to my list - a ranking of the Pokemon generations and the games included in each one. I'm not a genwunner, I believe each generation has given us something positive, whether you think the Pokemon look dumb is irrelevant.

6. Generation 4
What it gave us: New evolutions for Dusclops, Magmar, Electabuzz, etc... AND internet connectivity
What was bad: The legendaries, the plot, the main villain/evil organization

Generation 4 series
Generation 4 (aka Diamond, Pearl and Platinum) gave us very little in terms of game development. Yes it added some cool new Pokemon like Luxray and Gastrodon and the new evolutions for some of the OG Pokemon, but in terms of storyline and plot development it's weak as hell. The main villainous group is flawed in their mission, destroy and remake the universe by summoning one of the legendary Pokemon (Dialga or Palkia). DESTROY AND REMAKE THE UNIVERSE. Yeah, that makes sense.

The best part of generation 4 was the internet connectivity piece and it's affect on competitive battling. Giving players the ability to share friend codes and battle/trade with people around the world opened up Pokemon to new meta games and techniques. It jump started the influx of competitive battling seen in later generations.

Game rank:
13. Platinum
12. Diamond/Pearl
8. Heart Gold/Soul Silver

5. Generation 5
What it gave us: Weather based teams/more competitive battling meta game, the best sequel series, harder in-game play, unlimited TM use
What was bad: The main villain (N) and the villainous group

The biggest gripe I had about this generation was N, the second antagonist introduced on top of the main villainous group (team plasma). His goal was to separate humans and Pokemon by splitting them into different worlds. What happened to the good old days where criminals would simply steal Pokemon and sell them for money? I miss the simplicity of Team Rocket. Also, can we please stop with Dragon type legendaries? Seriously, it's getting annoying.
Generation 5 series

The best part of generation 5 was by far the competitive play. Weather based teams ruled the online world, and it made battling fun. The sequel series, Black and White 2, was also the best post-core game sequel made, as it didn't just slap a new color on the box and give you a similar plot line. It actually focused on events two years after the ending of Black and White, which was really cool. Also the in-game Pokemon were way more leveled up, making strategy a necessity for actually beating the main plot-line.

Game Rank:
11. Black 2/White 2
10. Black/White

4. Generation 3
What it gave us: Running shoes, VS Seeker, Battle tower, much enhanced graphics, Pokemon contests
What was bad: Secret bases, not making the Sp. ATK/ATK distinction

Generation 3 series
Hey Gamefreak, just because my move is a fire type doesn't automatically make it a special move. Fire PUNCH doesn't seem like a special type move to me, but hey what do I know?
Also, let's talk about secret bases. Who thought that was a good idea? Yeah I get the whole "promote play between trainers without internet connectivity," but a secret base? LAME.

You know what's awesome? Running. I don't know how I lived without it. You know what else is awesome? The VS Seeker, possibly the greatest item ever created in Pokemon. Fuck grinding on wild Pokemon, use the VS Seeker and battle trainers you've already battled. And their Pokemon get stronger the more you battle them! Genius!
Also Pokemon contests. Strangely addictive, way too much fun. My Aron was a fucking masterpiece.

Game Rank:
9. Ruby/Sapphire
7. Emerald
3. Fire Red/Leaf Green

3. Generation 6
What it gave us: The most complex meta game so far, easy IV checker, possibility of a sequel similar to BW2, mega evolution, easy egg hatching, wonder trade
What was bad: Weather was nerfed beyond all belief, not too many new Pokemon, fucking fairy type

In previous generations special abilities that brought in weather conditions (drought, drizzle, snow warning, sand stream) were permanent on the field until another competing weather condition came into play. And that was awesome. The amount of teams that included a Politoed or a Ninetales in BW2 were through the roof with weather teams being so popular. Now? Now it lasts 5-8 turns like it used to and weather teams have disappeared. Poof, there goes that meta game.
Generation 6 series
Also I despise fairy types. They are so over-powered it's unbelievable. Weak to steel and poison? Oh cool, two fairly uncommon types. Now you need to make sure you run a fairy counter or you're screwed.

You know what's really cool? Mega evolution. It brings relevance back to some long forgotten Pokemon like Kangaskhan, Mawile and Amphoros. They have super cool abilties and typing and totally shake up the tier system, but in a good way.
Breeding is also insanely easy now, you have a reliable IV checker in the game and hatching eggs is super easy (bike in circles around Lumiose city).
There's talk of a potential sequel (like BW2, Platinum, Emerald, Crystal, Yellow) that includes a totally different region. WHAT. Like, new Pokemon and new routes and basically a whole new game. That's mixing it up for the better.
But do you know what the best thing about generation 6 is? Wonder trade. It's the best! You can trade Pokemon via wifi with a random trainer in the world, and it can be any Pokemon you want! I can trade a level 1 Caterpie and get a shiny Blaziken in return! You can spend hours just trading away doubles and/or poorly bred Pokemon to get a surprise in return! That's genius.

Game Rank:
6. X/Y

2. Generation 1
What it gave us: Everything
What was bad about it: Zubat
Generation 1 series

Generation 1 is the start of everything, so it gave us the most by far. I really don't know what to say about it other than it's awesome and set the stage for Gamefreak's future success. There is one problem...ZUBAT. I had nightmares about Mt. Moon and the sheer amount of Zubat in such a small space. Other than that, amazing.

Game Rank:
1. Yellow
5. Red/Blue

1. Generation 2
What it gave us: Breeding, Berries, Dark type, Steel type, 16 gyms, Night/Day, Apricorns/specialized Pokeballs, Mt. Silver post-game
What was bad about it: Whitney's Miltank

Generation 2 series
Generation 2 was an amazing followup to generation 1. They added in so many awesome features like breeding (and the rise of PUNCHZAM!), making your own Pokeballs, fighting all 8 Johto and Kanto gyms, and giving Pokemon berries. You also got to play around with 2 new types in steel and dark, making teams far more diverse and cutting down psychic Pokemon's dominance. You also had to plan your Pokedex searching for night and day, because now only certain Pokemon appeared at different times of the day. It was such a jump from generation 1 that everything seemed so fresh and cool.
Also, the fight on top of Mt. Silver against Red was by far the coolest thing Pokemon has ever done.

And then Whitney and her stupid Miltank ruined your hopes and dreams. Hardest gym battle by far. Other than that, the game was STELLAR.

Game Rank:
2. Gold/Silver
4. Crystal

So there you have it, my ranking of the Pokemon generations and the individual games released within them. Do you agree, or are you a "Genwunner?" Do you even play Pokemon? WHY AREN'T YOU ON SHOWDOWN YET?

Keep it cool guys.

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