Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The best of: Random Word Generator!

Hello all!

I cam across a variant the other day, it's The concept is the website generates random words (anywhere from 2-10) in an effort to spark creativity. I imagine a struggling writer feverishly clicking on the "generate" button until that magical alignment of a few words gives them the creative spark to write a new novel. I cal also imagine myself finding enjoyment out of simply generating words until I find a funny/telling/horrible combination.

I did that. Sometimes work is that boring. Anyways I listed the best results from each category (2-10 words). Some are funny, some are creepy and some might actually be the premise of a great story.

2 words

Birthday, Screamer - Too funny. This was my first one, THE FIRST ONE.

3 words

Blockhead, Flamboyant, Bovine - I'm imagining a cow that's a jock, but secretly just wants to do ballet.

4 words

Playground, Alarm, Moaning, Blood - A bit too cryptic for me

5 words

Envelope, Cargo, Jewel, Harm, Brood - A robbery gone horribly wrong.

6 words

Barn-burner, Pimp, Juvenile, Binding, Sleep, Crypt - A pimp attends an exciting even only to agree to a deal where the only in a BODY BAG.

7 words

Fornicator, Beautiful, Puzzle, Bed, Serenity, Banana, Hottest - This has the makings of a weird porno.

8 words

Proper, Couple, Loner, After, Jerk, Gimmick, Drifter, Bug-house - Some jerk of a con-man tricks a couple into buying something they don't need, it splits them apart and one ends up in the nut house.

9 words

Luxurious, Holiest, Martini, Crisp, Entertain, President, Helpless, Becoming, Cortex - Pope Big-Face can do nothing but dote on the new President by getting him drunk of top shelf vodka.

10 words

Blow, Gradient, Enzyme, Gripping, Bed, Deception, Wizard, Heist, Raccoon, Belt - A little boy is trapped in a dream where a raccoon belt-wearing wizard uses corrosive enzymes to eat through the walls of a bank, pulling off the greatest heist the town had ever seen.

This got really hard as more words were added, but wow it's a lot of fun.

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